Providing the very best in Physiotherapy
Sports and Musculoskeletal
The human body functions best when provided with ideal movement patterns, an appropriate environment, and optimal muscle activation and strength.
- Muscles are designed for a purpose and will respond positively to loading and activity.
- The neural system facilitates activation and response of muscles to support movement.
- Joints are the links for movement, positioning, and function.
When your muscles, nerves, and joints complement each other, efficiency of movement is achieved. More often than not, our daily activities can contribute to negative effects on these areas.
Injuries, repetitive movement patterns, and poor posturing can give symptoms of pain, unusual sensations, stiffness, weakness, and dysfunctional movement.
Stabilise Physiotherapy will focus on:
- Optimal movement patterns.
- Restoring and improving muscle strength.
- Regaining joint mobility and stability.
- Pain management.
- Sports-specific strengthening and injury prevention.
Treatment options may include:
- Soft tissue release/massage.
- Joint mobilisations and manipulation.
- Joint traction.
- Postural and mechanical movement correction.
- Orthotics.
- Kinesiology and rigid taping.
- Dry Needling.
Areas we treat are diverse and many.
At Stabilise Physiotherapy, your personal goals are important to us. We will do our utmost to ensure your sporting, work, or general activity goals are met with an urgency to get you back on track as soon as possible.
Don’t just wait until something goes wrong. Stay on top of the management and prevention of injuries and pain. We encourage a lifestyle of maintaining the most advantageous level of strength, mobility, and functionality.
Pre/post-surgery conditioning
- Prehabilitation: Strengthening prior to surgery is very beneficial for recovery.
- When your body as a whole has conditioned muscles, tendons, and ligaments, there's support for your body to function when one area has been effected by surgery or has not been in use for a period of time.
- Muscle strength will return quicker in a preconditioned muscle.
- Rehabilitation - Areas of surgery will become weak and need the correct environment and supported time for optimal healing. Mobility and strengthening exercises will ensure good recovery and return to daily activities, work, and sports in the fastest time possible.
- Some surgeons may have specific protocols that will be followed and supervised by your physiotherapist.
Your feet are a highly significant area of the body and are crucial in obtaining the most efficient body movements.
Individual foot mechanics and functioning can be assessed, treated, and managed well.
Stabilise Physiotherapy will:
- Educate you on what normal foot mechanics should be.
- Recognise abnormal foot structure and movement.
- Assess the impact on foot function to a person’s presenting symptoms.
When foot mechanics are addressed, we will initially have a thorough assessment through a Gait Scan.
A Gait Scan is a piece of advanced technology that will provide a comprehensive assessment and diagnostic assistance for the prescription of custom-made orthotics.
The information gained from a Gait Scan will allow management strategies on various foot dysfunctions, back and lower limb concerns, and help ensure optimal treatment and support are provided.
If orthotic solutions are required, you will be carefully managed through this simple process.
Physical Disability Support
Many people have challenges with movement, strength, and functioning, which come from damage to the neural system and brain functioning. These difficulties require ongoing support and intervention to assist the musculoskeletal system to overcome any neural system dysfunctions.
Physiotherapy can assist with:
- Pain management
- Improving strength and range of movement
- Improving daily functional tasks
- Prevention of falls and other risks
- Gait patterns
- Physical development
- Postural correction
- Equipment needs
Physical disabilities can be associated with conditions such as:
- Cerebral palsy
- Acquired brain injuries
- Muscular dystrophy
- Amputation and congenital amputation
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Multiple sclerosis (MS)
- Down Syndrome
We will work with any other professional to ensure a multi-disciplinary approach gives each individual the best outcomes possible.
At Stabilise, we have experience with all that comes with these challenges on both the individual and all the family and friends. We understand the exhaustion and time that’s associated with ongoing changes in the “disability world,” government funding and demands, and also the motivation to keep going.
We want to be there to support you in all that we can and always keep the mindset that everyone deserves to reach their potential. As they say: ”Solutions, not problems”
Exercise Rehab and prescription
Stabilise Physiotherapy prides itself on evidence-based practices and up-to-date management strategies. With all the research emphasising the benefits and necessity of optimal muscle activation, strength, and function, there is always a focus of incorporating some type of exercise program in our treatment to maximise the results we can achieve for you.
We have access to state-of-the-art equipment, and you will be guided with expertise in techniques, movement patterns, and postures to ensure your outcomes are great.
Stabilise offers exercises for:
- Sports-specific training/conditioning.
- Injury prevention.
- Muscle isolation.
- Functional movements.
- Joint mobility.
- Stability and balance.
- Return to work conditioning.
Programs can be provided for you to undertake at home with minimal equipment needed, or gym-based programs can be prescribed if that’s your preferred location for your independent exercising.
Your body was designed to move so… “Use it or lose it.”
Dry Needling
Dry needling is practiced to facilitate pain reduction and releasing myofascial tissue/ trigger points to assist regaining function.
Trigger points can be described as bunching or clumping of fibres (also known as “knots”) within a muscle. This can be felt as a nodule when examined. A trigger point can be painful to touch. It can affect the functioning of a muscle and also the blood or nerve supply to the tissue.
Trigger points can be caused by:
- Injury.
- Unexpected movements resulting in strain.
- Increased loading resulting in strain.
- Sustained postures/positions.
- Nerve impingement
- Other – illness, stress, and nutritional deficiencies.
Needling a trigger point can:
- Release the muscle fibre to relax.
- Supply fresh blood and nutrients to the cells for better oxygen and chemical balance.
- Decrease pain levels.
- Restore functioning to muscles that have been inhibited.
We use single-use, sterile acupuncture-style needles to ensure maximum hygiene is supported. Dry needling is a very safe practice and can give various responses between individuals. You may feel a sting when the needle is A twitch in the muscle may be felt and some mild discomfort as the needle remains in the tissue. More often than not, you may feel nothing at all once the needle has been inserted.
There are minimal side effects but some may include bruising, a mild ache, nausea, and fainting.
Dry needling differs from acupuncture in the way it is focused on trigger points and releasing muscle and fascia tissue. Acupuncture has a focus on meridians (key points in the body) and Qi (flow of energy) targeted at specific medical conditions and restoring balance. Many physiotherapists use dry needling in conjunction with other techniques.
Some reasons we will not consider dry needling:
- Pregnancy.
- Children and frail patients.
- Specific medications and allergies.
- Vascular disease, compromised immune system, and diabetes.
Your therapist will use wisdom and educated discretion to determine the safety of needling for each individual person.